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 Hey guys-
    So my guy friend asked me out today. I said yes and told if it didn't work out we shouldn't let it affect our friendship. I kind of like him, he REALLY likes me, and I didn't want to hurt him. The only problem is I REALLY like my other guy friend whose single and likes me and I'm afraid of ruining our chances. Any advice?
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Hey guys- So my guy friend asked me out today. I said yes and

0 faves · 1 comments · Apr 5, 2010 8:19pm






4nnardx3 · 1 decade ago
ahh, drama. don't you love it? haha jk(: well, talk to the one you're going out with and explain to him what you explained to witty. if he likes you that much, he'll understand and let you go. if you love something, let it go, right? BBUUTT!!!!! talk to the one you realllyyy like FIRST!! find out what would happen if you broke up with the other one. but obviously wait a little bit before going out with him. you don't wanna make it seem like you broke up with one guy for another..no guy wants that..GOOD LUCK
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