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I don’t want a guy who will call me beautiful instead of hot just because that’s what we all girls like.Who will call me back when I hang up on him  because he knows i'll stay mad at him. Or the boy who kisses my forehead just to make me feel good. I don’t want a guy to show me off to the world, or a guy who will hold my hand in front of his friends so that they can think were doing fine.I don’t need him to think that am as pretty with make up or without make up.I don’t want a guy who will show me that not all guy are the same, I just want a guy who will show me that his not like the rest && am Good enough for him.

 dont knw if its around, but dhis one is mine.
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I don’t want a guy who will call me beautiful instead of

3 faves · Apr 3, 2010 5:09pm






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