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what do you expect from tomorrow when today isnt done?
how do you carry on when not even one battle has been won?
sometimes it hurts to smile, sometimes it hurts to cry
but sometimes its easier to smile and lie
im not perfect, and i dont try to be
because sometimes its hard enough just being me
i know i say "try to be happy, always have fun"
truth is its sometimes easier said then can be done
im sorry but i cant keep pretending im perfectly fine
there comes a point where i need to draw the line
sometimes i get mean, then quiet and sad
and sometimes i cant control getting mad
and i have moments where im lost and have nothing to say
and im surprised that i made it through another day
i get confused about a lot, i know that's true
but what i do know is that im completely happy with you
<3333me again
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what do you expect from tomorrow when today isnt done? how do

1 faves · Apr 28, 2006 7:43pm






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