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Through the past Middle School Years... us 8th graders have gone through alot..
weve learned that "Theres No Buisness Like Show Buisness
".. because if we knew
other wise we would have been getting up on that stage for the past couple of years..
weve learned that "They Say That Falling In Love Is Wonderful
".. but weve been hurt
enough to know that its not all that.. weve learned that on the rainy days you have to look
out and say "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow
", and that sometimes dealing with young and
foolish little kids is a "Hard Knock Life
".. sometimes its so hard we all say we just wanna go to high
school... but we all go through it together because "Im an Indian Too
". all us girls have learned how
to "Forget About The Boy
", even if they have "The Cutest Little Babyface" weve Learned people travel
to "N.Y.C
." to learn "How the Other Have Lives".. weve learned that its going to be sad "To Be All Arone in
the Worrlrd
".. and i know we can always "Get Back To Work" .. "as Long As Im Here With You"
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Through the past Middle School Years... us 8th graders have gone

1 faves · Apr 1, 2010 2:12pm






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