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 Reasons Why To Like Neds Declassified:
1. Some of the advice is helpful
& can help you during realistic times
2.Ned is adorable
3. You can relate to the episodes
4. It's waaaay better then disney channel
5. It has a different plot, everytime
6. How can you not love a crazy
janitor that has crazy adventures
almost every episode?
7. This show shows that school
8. This show shows that teachers
can be actually really cool[:

Any more reasons? Comment(:,
this is my opinion, so express yours[:
but please, don't use curse words
& tell me off [:
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Reasons Why To Like Neds Declassified: 1. Some of the advice

5 faves · 3 comments · Mar 31, 2010 7:05pm






Niikiitaa · 1 decade ago
weasel. that is all.
thumbs up 0 thumbs down reply

_dominique · 1 decade ago
V haha ik right !? [:
thumbs up 0 thumbs down reply

snowboardchickk · 1 decade ago
omg that show is my lifeee:)
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