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Does anyone else find it ironic...

That although I am unbelieveably stressed..
I have a million things to worry about..
& a million reasons to be upset...

Now that I've suddenly been diagnosed with
a number of thyroid issues and medical issues..

Everyone all of a sudden decides..
No I don't have any problems..
Im just sick...

I find it amazing..
That even before I was diagnosed..
  people actually knew that I had real problems...
& yet now...
Everyone treats me so different...

I Guess One Small Change...
Can Make A Big Difference...

sorry venting//
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Does anyone else find it ironic... That although I am unbelieveably

7 faves · 1 comments · Mar 31, 2010 2:53am






Loving_My_Angel · 1 decade ago
That's how it works. they don't wanna pay attention when it's just stress, but once you have a problem, "oh you're just so sick." blah blah blah... just like, if you're diagnosed with depression or bipolar. they just think you're crazy..
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