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Good luck DJ!
everyone who favorites this quote, i will give a dollar to my best friends benefit for his kidney disease, so he can raise enough money for his kidney transplant.
its not like YOUR going too pay any money for this, ii just really need help,  & hes been there through everything with me, and i need favorites for this.
& im SUPER nervous for him, and today he has to go to the hospital , and get ready for tomorrow....when he has too get surgury,so the doctors can take pieces of his organ out for testing . his real surgury is in june, but PLEASE favorite this:D

Thank you witty:D

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TYPE HERE< Good luck DJ! everyone who favorites this quote,

144 faves · 11 comments · Mar 30, 2010 4:13pm






gummdrop2299 · 1 decade ago
this is real i know the kid :( im going to his benifit tomorrow so ppl thth think she is lieing
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kaymay411 · 1 decade ago
Im NOT saying this is fake... but um if you have the money to send in for every favorite u get.. then why dont u just send the money anywayss?? Just wondering...
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munchkin21197 · 1 decade ago
no,this is real. i promise & uhmm, if you wanna leave a rude comment,get off my page & go somewhere else.kthankss.

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xojulesxo97 · 1 decade ago
guys thats so sweet for her to do this. so back off!
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cheer4life9 · 1 decade ago
1. good luck to him !! i hope everything goes well.
2. you should donate anyways and then just add this on.. bcuz i understand tht coming up with a reasonable amount is rlly hard. I've had so many issues this year(alone)with friends and family having problems and needing money, or a memorial fund in 4 of the cases. But what i did was i set $50 tht i was donating of my own money (as did my friends) then we put together a bake sale and a car wash and a few other things and we got one of the local banks to sponser, so for every dollar we raised, they would donate $1.50, ino ir dsnt sound like a lot.. but when 3 ppl in ur town die to young or need help for a tumor or cancer or what ever need be, ppl rlly step up to help. We, alone, raised over $1300. and the donations and memorial things are still going strong.
3. i rlly hope this isnt one of those stupid things ppl put up, that are fake, just for their own amusement or what ever need be.
but anywasy.. good luck!

pss. sorry tht this was kinda an essay. haha. Ooops.
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LiFexCaNxBexHaRdx · 1 decade ago
if its your freidn you don't need favorites you should just give them money
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gigglegale34 · 1 decade ago
you dont need favs to donate you can just donate
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pdnu_1 · 1 decade ago
this kid in 8th grade at my school just got cancer I fell sooooo bad for him so i get how u fell bout this
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munchkin21197 · 1 decade ago
AWEE !thankyou so muchh (:

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xxxkprincess254 · 1 decade ago
my friend got lukemnia so i posted the same exact thing on witty and i ended up donating $11 and then for some reason nmy quote was deleted? idk, i favorited and i hope you get many favs!
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xoxolautnersgrlxoxo · 1 decade ago
aww thats so sweet! Good Luck!
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