Witty Profiles

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 The Basics:
Name: devin.
Nick Name: dont have onnne.
Age: 12

Birthday: July17

Birthplace: vt.
Current Location: my house.
Eye Color: blue

Hair Color: brown
Weight: 96-100?

Lefty or Righty: lefty
Zodiac Sign: cancer
Color: pink or blue.
Number: 17
Band: basically all.
Music: pop
TV Show: to manyy to name.
Movie:17 Again John Tucker must die.& more.
Kind Of Movie: Comedy,Drama.
Cartoon: idk
 Field Hockeey.
Fast Food: burger king ;)
: American. or Italian
Cereal: Frosted Flakes :)

Candy: mostly everthing except chocolate.
Drink: sodddddda.or snapple ;)
Quote: "Sometimes you have to be a part from people you love, but that doesn't make you love them any less. Sometimes you love them more." -Nicholas Sparks.

Do You:
Have Any Siblings:
 Yes,two older brothers.
Have Any Pets: yeep.
Have A Job: nope
Have A Cell Phone: yeaah.
Have Any Fears: Yes. alot.
Have a favorite team: SYRACUSE:)
Go to School: Obvi.
Have a favorite holiday: Christmas
Sing In The Shower: who doesnt?
Want To Go To College: yep, in the future 
Get Along With Your Parents: most of the time
Have Any Tattoos: noo.
Swear: mhm
Ever Been In Love: nopeee.
Cheated: no
Single: i dont know. its complicated.
In A Relationship: i dont know.
Have A Crush On Someone: i think.
Been Dumped: mhmm
Dumped Someone: kinda.?
This Or That:
Fruit Or Veges: neither;)
Black Or White: white
Lights On Or Off: on
TV Or Movie: both
Rock Or Rap: rap
Chocolate Or Vanilla: Vanilla

French Toast Or French Fries: Fries

Strawberries Or Blueberries: niether
Cookies Or Muffins:
Winter Or Spring Break:i lovve both ;)
Hugs Or Kisses: huggggs.
Have You Ever:
Danced In Public: Who hasnt?
Smiled For No Reason: yeep.
Laughed So Hard You Cried: Yes!!
Talked To A Stranger: most likely.
Partied Till The Sun Came Up: idts.
Gotten A Ticket: i cant drive
Been Arrested: nope
Been Convicted Of A Crime: nooope.
Been In A Wreck: depends what kind.
Been Out Of The Country: mostlikey.>
Next Quote >

The Basics: Name: devin. Nick Name: dont have onnne. Age: 12

0 faves · Mar 27, 2010 11:57am




