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I'm a strong person, I only cry when theres death [(morbid i know
sorry)] I can stand on my own to feet. I fight for what I believe in.I
will stand up for a total stranger if I know they need the support. I'm loud and overly opinionated.I will tell every truth and do every dare. I like to think I have no fears. However today I walked into english sat down and looked out the door. Tears filled my eyes and he bent down and kissed her. Then he walked by me and asked if I was alright....I had to lie....I had to say "Yes just hit my funny bone" [(lame I know this as well)] Never have I ever felt so weak, so vulnerable.

I.   h. a. t. e.   i.t.....

sorry just had to get this out there....i dont expect anyone to fav
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I'm a strong person, I only cry when theres death [(morbid i

6 faves · Mar 26, 2010 11:39pm






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