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Why Can't Everyone Just....
Keep Their Comments To Themselves ?!

Life You Be A Whole Lot Easier If They Did.

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it annoys mee so muchhh.

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Why Can't Everyone Just.... Keep Their Comments To Themselves

1 faves · 1 comments · Mar 26, 2010 9:44pm






brunette69babe · 1 decade ago
i just wrote the same quote ! i HATE when people write immature and completely unnecessary and rude comments to people they dont even know! people have NO idea what is going on in peoples lives, and one rude comment can really damage their lives and put them down even more. i think people should really watch what they say. if they have something nice to say, they should comment, and if they dont, then they should move on and look at the other millions of quotes that get posted every 5 seconds.
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