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Love is like chemistry
We are all like individual elements
Looking for someone that we can bond with
That will make us complete
Sometimes we find what appears to be the perfect match
And we give them everything
they need to make them complete

Just like an ionic bond
We will give all our electrons to make it work
and the attraction between the two of you

is so strong it seems like it will last forever
But as soon as someone adds water the bonds dissolve

And it just won’t last
But sometimes we complete each other
Just like a covalent bond shares its electrons
And nothing will break that bond
But sometimes there is just no way the bond will work
No matter how much you try he will use you
And will need someone else to make him complete
Just like oxygen uses 2 hydrogen’s to make water

ALL mine not sure if it makes sense or not

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Love is like chemistry We are all like individual elements Looking

5 faves · 2 comments · Mar 3, 2010 3:44pm






princesspanda · 1 decade ago
lol i know when i thought it up i realised just how much of a nerd i was
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tehsaxplayer · 1 decade ago
the geek in me. totally gets this. :)
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