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u know his the boy..
when all u can think bout is himm
when everytimee he looks at u ur heart stops a beat
when u stair at himm in those brown hazle eyes nd dream wat ur life would be like with him as "that guy"
when u run to the phone, trip ova stuff hurt ur self but still dnt care as long as he just texted u
when ur face gets all red just from glancing at himm nd notice he is stairrin at u
when u daze of in class thinkiin wat u should doo sayyy when u see him the nextt timee
when u act like a fool and cant talk straight when his there
when ur world feels like it is more then perfect with himm around<3
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u know his the boy.. when all u can think bout is himm when everytimee

4 faves · Feb 27, 2010 9:47pm






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