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everyone writes about breakups , but why don't you cheer yourself up?
  so if you're single it's not becuase you're not good enough for the person you love ;
 it's becuase they're not g o o  d e n o u g h for y o u  ; < 3
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everyone writes about breakups , but why don't you cheer yourself

2 faves · 1 comments · Feb 27, 2010 12:03am






snowangel · 1 decade ago
that is true...but, it still hurts, you still remember the person who broke your heart...sure you can cheer yourself up for a little while, but at the end of the day, when you lay down to go to bed at night, they're still the last one you think of, even if they were never good enough for you, they're always lingering in the back of your mind....& it sucks.
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