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i looked up at blake.. why is he still here? blake could be with any girl in the school.. and right now, hes with me. holding my hand, leading me to the booth.. chills run up my spine, what if.. what if he just decides to go? where do i go from there? i can't really live with his parents.. not even in they offer.. if he leaves me-
"gabby&blake are here!" i hear screams and giggles and lots of noise. everyone starts running at us at once, but in the corner of my eye... i see mom.. sitting alone, at the booth. i release blake's hand and begin to shake..
"get out!" she screamed as she threw the pot at my head.
"FINE! i will... and im never coming back!"
... long pause ...
"honey, im sorry.."
"no, mom. you can't do this! if your really sorry,
stop bringing men into this house! i can't take another abusive guy.."
"i know honey, i just thought he was different."
"no guy is ever different, if you meet him doing your "job.
you need a new job!"
"my job pays the bills..."
"no, it doesnt! and you know it... you know we're being threatened to be
evicted, oh right. you did know.. thats why you slept with the landlord."
"oh, honey. my body is not a bad thing! it gets us through..
one day you'll understand."
"no, i wont. i never will.."
"then what are we supposed to do? your father called the other day..."
"oh, and what did he want? "
"he said i can come live with him again.. and we can be together, again. he's changed."
"and what about me? am i allowed to come..."
"well, no. he said.. he said he doesn't want you.."
"what! well, what am i supposed to do?"
"i dont know! i can't always figure that out you know!"
"your supposed to be my mom, your supposed to support me..
not leave me! especially for dad.. icant believe this!"
"well, i leave for california on saturday... how about, if i bring you?
you can just come! and we'll surprise him.. oh he used to love my
surprises... im sure hed like to see you again! and once he sees how beautiful
you are... maybe he can use you too! in his magazines... oh sweety!"
"no, mom. i won't. and you can't make me.. i got some papers today...
i can't live with you. i knew this would happen.."
"what kind of papers!" she ran into the kitchen and grabbed a beer bottle.. here it comes
"you know.. i cook dinner, i provide money.. i go to work. i send you to school!
i go to all the parent-teacher stuff.. i help you when you need me" she takes a big drink..
"and what do i get.. nothin. you come home and you complain, you tell me what a bad
mom i am.. and how stupid i am, so fine. you don't want me anymore.. go right ahead
gimme the damn papers!" i hand them to her, and as i do.. she grips my arm.. "don't
ever come lookin for me again.. ya hear?" she smacks me real hard and digs her nails into my arm.
she takes the bottle and goes to throw it against the wall and hits my face..
"JUST SIGN IT! OK!? JUST SIGN IT" i scream and i grab my face in horror, and as the blood seeps from my arm... she does. and then she grabs four bags i didnt notice in the corner.. and heads for the door. " take care of yourself kid. it was nice knowin' ya." and she handed me an envelope. "i'll send you something every week.. the house is yours. dont ask me for nothing.. you get this and thats it."


i look at her.. what is wrong with her? why is she here?
"hey, babe. you ok?"
"why is SHE here!?"
"my mom invited her.. i-"
"you knew?"
"my mom called last night.. she uh..."
"i can't believe this."
"just go talk to her.. ok? you two didnt end too well.. and now your getting married."
"no, dont pull that with me! i owe her nothing.. " at that i catch her eye.. she smiles, and holds up her hand to wave.
" see, shes being nice. go!" as he pushes me closer... i walk cautiously, she stands up.
"oh, honey!" and she runs to wrap her arms around me... i stop her. she looks confused.
"what do you want! you say to stay away and out of your life.. i have. and now you show up!"
"oh honey.. i just-"
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THAT ONE SPECIAL PERSON 9 i looked up at blake.. why is he still

2 faves · Feb 26, 2010 10:09pm






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