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I am in love, no doubt about it. He is always on my mind, like seriously, ALWAYS. He makes me smile, and he makes me laugh. And I feel so comfortable around him . It seems like nothing else matters when were together, just us. When he says " I love you" to me, my heart skips a beat and a gigantic grin is forced upon my face. And ya, he gets in trouble, a  tad bit more than others; but that just makes him mysterious(: Im in love...
But I messed up. And now... theres nothing, NOTHING, I can do that will make him even give me a second chance. If you knew what happened, some would think its the stupidest reason to break up, and then the others will say I should'nt have done what I did, and therefore I wouldn't be writing this right now. When you say I love you to a person, thats something special. And I know that. And I guess I do see from his point of view that saying I love you to another guy is probably not to smart. But from my side, I think its okay if we are just friends. Who doesn't say I love you to their friends? But, after today, I've been thinking.. and when I say I love you to him, it probably doesn't feel as special as should. It probably doesn't make his heart skip a beat, and it probably doesn't make him smile. And I don't want that. I want to be able to make him happy. And make him love me more everytime I say I love you to him. But I get it. He's heard me and seen me say I love you to other people, so often that to him all he hears is a word. Nothing more than a plain old word. And I don't know what to do about it. But if I could, I would do whatever it took to make him mine again.And when we get in fights, I try and remind him I love him, and only him. But he doesn't believe it. And I don't blame him. I wouldn't believe me either if I said I love you to everyone. I wish I could just fix this, but I can't. There's nothing I can do....and it kills=/

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I am in love, no doubt about it. He is always on my mind, like

0 faves · Feb 25, 2010 6:41pm




