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and now, im so confused,
we were talking like we dont normally do
than i tell u to listen to a song.
you say no and i say please,
ill be ur best friendd(:
you say:
you already are.
:O i cried. litterally. im not lying and im sorry
if none of u believe me but i cryed at
those three words. wanna know why?
because i needed to hear that
from you, and only you. because
we never talk, and i still dunno if i believe
what you said. bc at this point, i dont know
what a real friend is. im not lying.
but right now, at this very minute
i could care alot less
because i really really needed
to hear those words from you

you&only you

^venting. sorry...
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and now, im so confused, we were talking like we dont normally

0 faves · Feb 22, 2010 9:12pm




