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Liquid ♦running through my eyes,
* Think Of me while i still cry *
? then I start to ask m y s e l f why ?
why did I have to care
i always asked when and where
But of course you w e r n t there
and then again things dont always work out
of course that is what life is about
BUT we fought e v e r y d a y
there was never a time when everything was okay
knowing there was no way to make things right
could you help me see the light
no.. are relationship is like a dark scary night
the lies you told , 
our friendship is something that is too hard to hold 
because your heart was just too cold
 but were done and thats clearly shown
but are memories cant be erased they are set in stone
now i could keep going on and on
but what will this do for me?
your already gone. .

- Elizabeth Sophie Eleanor Sic™
[[thanks sam&sean for helping«3]]
'est. February 16,2010 2:00am-4:27am'

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Liquid ♦running♦ through ♦my ♦eyes, *

2 faves · 1 comments · Feb 16, 2010 4:28am






betsyyxx · 1 decade ago
i love this quote.
its amazing.
me and you spent 2 and a half hours making ours
i love them though.
kk bye
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