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i x miss x you x
why did you have to do this to me?
i x miss x you.
you just sorta left me.
i x miss x you.
you love her again, don't you?
i x miss x you.
please don't leave me.
i x miss x you.
can't we go back to how we used to be?
i x miss x you.
why is this happening?
i x miss x you.
i miss you </3

sorry, just sorta kinda venting...
my friend, likes my friend.
and he used to like me..
.and now its over.
we talk; its awkward.
we never hang out; they see each other every day.
im just jealous..
he leaves me && loves her =(
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i x miss x you x why did you have to do this to me? i x miss

0 faves · Feb 13, 2010 12:54pm




