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i woke up that morning.. alone. where was blake? i remember falling asleep, and he was there. i couldnt have possibly dreamt the other night, it's just impossible, it was so perfect. i looked around, but i was alone. i jumped out of bed, to try to find evidence that i was not dreaming, blake&i were a reality. i walked down the hallway and heard giggling and as i turned the corner into the kitchen i saw angela and amy sitting happily talking to each other on the stool.
amy&angela were blake's two sisters. amy was younger(14) and angela was four years older(21). angela is absolutely drop-dead-gorgeous, and amy has a lot of problems. amy is mentally unstable, she is bipolar and has gone through many states of depression. she is a bit over weight, but has an angel face. she has had problems with drugs, and has gone to rehab many of times. she is also a 'naughty' girl and has had several boyfriends/"friends". i love amy, but i think she needs help, blake and angela agree.
angela is a love-sick puppy. she is always on the move, looking for the right guy, she could have any guy in the entire world and thats her problem.. every guy is never good enough. he only wants her because shes gorgeous. she needs a guy who can see past her beauty, and into her heart.. currently, she is dating a singer, one year older, and when she is done with college she plans to follow him on tour around the world. this upset the entire family, because they all love angela, this also upset me and blake.. we need angela. i go to her, even when blake wasnt around, i would run to her and cry on her bed until she came home.. and she was always there, to comfort me. i loved her, she was the sister i never had...
"GABBY!" screamed angela and she grabbed me and squeezed me into a tight hug. "i've missed you girl!"
"awh, missed you too." i said
"hey gabb. we were just talking about you" said amyy
"oh and what were you two discussing?"
"blake.. is moving in! your stealing my baby brother! you've stolen his heart babe"
"haha, well...speaking of blake, where is that boy?"
"trying to be the bestest boyfriend and buy you breakfast, he was afraid to leave you ALL alone, so he called for us. and he told us everything. also, he's invited the family over for dinner tonight, and plans to announce the engagement and moving in to the entire family." i was speechless. "yes, he's crazy, but we love him."
tonight, dinner.. that was so soon, and the entire family! i wasnt ready... what was i gonna do? i had always been with blake and i was there for ever family event, birthdays, parties, reunions, gatherings, meetings.. everything. they knew me as blake's friend, and now that was changing...
"whatre you thinking girl?"
"what if, they hate the idea?"
"look. blake is a fighter, they also didnt like the idea of you coming to all the FAMILY stuff either, but blake convinced them. he fought them, and he always invited you... no matter what it was. he knew that your mom did nothing for you, and you had no siblings, so he wanted you to have a family.. and he wanted you to be apart of his family. we all knew how much he loved you, and after a while, no one fought him. he won. and everyone just gave up! grandma, and auntyys, and the uncles, and mom and dad. because they all knew blake loved you, and we all just wanted to be there the day... you loved him back. we knew it would happen, and now it is. they'll love it!" i started crying.. i couldnt stop. angela looked at me, "oh baby.. come here" and she pulled me into her.. i was hysterical, after all these years.. i finally realized how perfect he was, why did it have to take me so long!
"hey everyone, is gabby- whats going on? gabby, whats wrong?"
"oh go make breakfast." moaned amy
"no, what happened?"
"im fine, im fine." i sobbed louder as i looked into his eyes.
"i dont believe that" he said as he hopped over the couch and pulled me towards him and away from angela.
"why didnt you ever tell me? why did you fight so hard, for the stupid girl who never appreciated it?"
"because you were worth it, worth waiting for, worth fighting for."
"no, i wasnt.."
"to me, you were. everything you were i wanted. i wanted to be able to hold you like this.. and," he kissed me. "kiss you like this. i wanted you to be mine, and thats all i needed... your all i ever wanted."
"well, weve got to go.. but ill call you when they all show up. love you two!" angela shouted as her and amy headed for the door.
"finally, theyre gone." blake yelled. and he kissed me, more intensely this time. "i love you," he whispered in my ear. "now lets eat." i laughed.
"ok! whatdaya got?"
"everything you didnt have before, food."
"im sorry.. ii just was to depressed to eat before!"
"well, now thats over, its time to put some fat on you" he smiled.
i grabbed him and wrapped my arms around him, we started to dance, there was no music, but i didnt care. i looked outside and saw the rain and the thunder coming down. blake started singing..
"i'll be your crying shoulder..." he started
"i'll be love suicide." i completed
"and we'll be better when were olderrrrrrrr" we sang together
"i'll be the greatest fan of your life," he continued. he started to slice the bananas and shred the chocolate. i sat down at the table, and helped. "And rain falls angry on the tin roof As we lie awake in my bed." he started chopping the strawberries and making the waffles, then he grabbed a pan. "You're my survival, you're my living proof. My love is alive -- not dead." he started to throw the bacon into the pan and i grabbed his arm.
"Tell them that we belong together." i giggled.
"Dress it up with the trappings of love. I'll be captivated, I'll hang from your lips," and he leaned over and kissed my lips, ever so softly. he sprinkled the chocolate onto the waffles and then the banana inside the batter.
"Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above." he finsished. "i love you gabby"
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THAT ONE SPECIAL PERSON 5 i woke up that morning.. alone. where

1 faves · 2 comments · Feb 6, 2010 5:52pm






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