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   dear new girl,
      i know he acts all tough and mean, but he's actually  very  sensitive.  he's  usually  outgoing  but  when  it  comes  to  his girlfriend,
      he's extremely shy, and  he  will  be  for the next few months, until he's comfortable around you.  if you're sad, he'll try his hardest
      to make you feel better. if he's being mean to you,  it's usually because he's fighting with his dad,  so  just  give  him  time  to  get
      over it and don't take it personally. if he stops texting you,  it's not because he doesn't wanna talk to you,  it's usually because he's
      busy. he loves his mom,  so don't ever talk bad about her.  he's very close with his family,  so if you go to his house, expect to go
      to his grandma's house too.  don't make fun of him about anything because even if he acts like it doesn't hurt him,  it does,  and he
      will remember it the next time he's mad at you. if he's sad, he won't tell you why until he's comfortable with you, so just try to make
      him feel better. he'll say he loves you the first day  you start going out,  but he doesn't really mean it until a  few months later. you
      have  s o m e o n e   s p e c i a l ,  and you're very lucky.  i would kill to be in your spot right now. just don't mess it up like i did.
love, the old girl    
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dear new girl, i know he acts all tough and mean, but he's actually

62 faves · 2 comments · Jan 23, 2010 1:22pm





break up

shutupkaylaxxx · 1 decade ago
story of my life.
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hrjonas26 · 1 decade ago
this gave me goosebumps casue it reminds me of him..
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