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 When he first said
" iloveyou "
>>i thought he would be the one, that i had all through high school.<<
>>to go to football games with and he would hold me tight to keep me warm.<<
>>walk me to class, kiss me on the lips softly and then end up being late for his class but not care because he got to be with me for a few extra seconds. <<
>>for me to cheer for at the high school basketball games.<<
>>to take me to prom as a sophmore.<<
>>to take me out on surprise dates.<<
i guess its just easy for guys to
say those 3 simple(??) words,
take everything you have to give,
tell you it's over, over the phone.
and then just go to the next girl and start all over.

because of this,,
i have learned that even your best friends can stab you in the back and the guys you thought were perfect for you can (( b  r  e  a  k your h  e  a  r  t ))
i have also learned that they can both happen at the.

my last relationship. please no jocking. this was hard for me to write but i needed to vent.

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When he first said " iloveyou " >>i thought he

8 faves · Jan 3, 2010 9:50pm



bentley1 happy witty anniversary!


break up

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