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Quote #1265018

0 faves · 6 comments · Dec 29, 2009 12:04am





break up

x0iluvmyfriends0x · 1 decade ago
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xxhottiexx02 · 1 decade ago
alright, i have alot of experience with this considering that this has happened to me like a few days ago.. so what you have to do is play it cool pretend you dont care about him anymore, it will make him curious of why you dont care, start liking someone knew for a little while then you can see if he gets jealous talk to M and say that things should be chill now because you dont like her brother anymore.. it may seem difficult to move on, especially if you have liked them since the 4th grade but some of the best decisions ever made have been by moving on and taking on new oppertunities that could mean you finding your soulmate and not some jerk, and anyway there is no point in liking this guy anymore if he treats you like and and tries to go out with your best friend.. and the best thing to do with best friends is confront them.. ask her if she likes your ex? if not things will work out, but if she does like your ex.. explain to her why things are kind of awkward at this stage since you recently broke up, if your friend doesnt no if shes making a mistake she wont try to fix anything but if she knows that she is making the mistake by confronting her then she will more likely to try and figure something out- ho's before bro's.. which means your girlfriends come before the boys because you will have most of your girls throughout your life boys will come and go before you find your soulmate, anyways forget about him he isnt worth your time, i am very sorry and i know this is a long comment. comment me on my profile if you have anymore questions or in need of more advice
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l_i_g_h_t_n_i_n_g · 1 decade ago
This may be a long comment. Just to warn you. I am going threw the same thing as of right now. And I need to get itnoff my chest so I'm just gonna say it. My ex and I ( while we were dating ) got into this really big fight together. Then my best friend got into the fight and completely turned him against me. So he was yelling At me and being a jerk and stuff. And so he finAlly decided it was over. And that he hated me and wasn't gonna talk to mee ever again. So then I find out that 2 freaken hours after we broke up, he started going out with my friend that got into the fight. I was off to no end. I cried and cried. He said that he absolutly hated me. So then all of a sudden a few days ago, he started talking to me again. So we got reAll close again. Then last night we were talking and he brought up the breKup.I said I didn't wanna talk about it but he kept talking. So I got kinda protective of myself and he got off. He told me to never talk to him ever againn. So I'm extremely . So my advice to you is to first wok things out wih your friend(s) and then try to figure out why he broke up with you. I have noo idea why m ex got mad at me and started the fight. And now I never will. Well there you go. Sorry it was so long and i'm sorry this happened to you. If you wanna talk About it, I am open to talkk.
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twilight17 · 1 decade ago
okay so this is really confusing but I understand how suckish it is..... idk but i think that maybe M made ur 4th grade bf brake up with u casue she's his sister and also just ask this gurl meg if she likes the guy u liked....sry again:(
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peace4evr555 · 1 decade ago
sorry if im too late but dont worry im sure if i am it's worked it's way out there's nothing weird about still liking him, but ask yourself why you like him, if he was that mean to you why are you still attracted to him? As for your friends if they hurt you are then you should find people who really like you for who you are
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xspiffyx50 · 1 decade ago
alright, hey hun, ive kinda ben threw the same thing.. kinda not really but u get my point. and well did u try just asking her if she likes him?or have u tryed talking to him and geting things straight and like asking y he broke up with u? cuz once u get that straight then its kinda essay from there, cuz u can just tell him the truth that u still like him(: idk hope this helped. at least a little.
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