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you've been thrre through all the years, and through out all the tears.
u've playted me & I didn't understand why.
i figured oh well just another guy.
But latley i've realized how much u meant to me
how much i've missed you
especailly when we were eachothers boo's .
in the passed we've been friends,
and more tan.
but what we have now baby,
i don't ever wanna see end
u've showed me so much, and hpoefully u'll show me alot more
and when im so drunk, that pass i out, and hit the floor
promise me u'll be the one in the Emergancy Room telling me we just had too much, and hoe much you love me..

all mine.. kinda gay.. but yeah
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you've been thrre through all the years, and through out all

0 faves · Jan 11, 2006 8:41pm




