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Oh, Thanks, thanks alot.
You are all out having sleepovers and hanging out at the mall, movies, and at each others houses.
When I'm at home, all alone, staring with teary eyes at your Facebook status':"With the girls (and their names).
Because out all you guys, not one mentioned me.
I'm sick and tired of spending my free time alone in my room on the computer.
I can't just show up at your houses, you actually have to invite me somewhere and answer my texts.
And it's not like you don't know that Im free, even though its not wrong to ask.
So, as I was saying before, Thanks for inviting me to be with you, and putting it up on AIM Facebook, and Myspace, listing all of my friends, too, but I'm not with them.
Why am I always on the outside looking in?

ventinggg. all minee need a friend that will invite me places with them.../:
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Oh, Thanks, thanks alot. You are all out having sleepovers and

7 faves · 2 comments · Dec 19, 2009 5:45pm






ashleyxo · 1 decade ago
juliaa ! ):
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zpoiledrotton313 · 1 decade ago
know how u feel!! its like having friends @ school but not out of school! if u need adive follow me!!
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