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& witty is like a small little highschool

you have the girls who get all the favorites and work extra hard and are known

you have the few guys who tells us what guys really think and are actually nice

you have the girls who cry themselves to sleep then wake up and come on Witty to see who has it worse

you have the girls who are depressed and happy and the girls who just try to make him notice her

and then

you have the girls who make black & white quotes, or random colored ones and hardly anyone

talks to them. & if someone does, it's someone like them.

and finally,

you have the girls who have been through it all and still smile & laugh,

and make quotes about him and get only what... 15 or less favorites?

& yet all of us get along perfectly fine.

So... overall.

witty is like an odd highschool, where we actually get along.
you go witty girls.

Idk, i Just had an idea,
favorite please? [:
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& witty is like a small little highschool you have the girls

18 faves · 1 comments · Dec 10, 2009 8:36pm






emmy_1016 · 1 decade ago
I agree with everything you just said.
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