Witty Profiles

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It took a bully riding my back to make me mad enough to fight,
And a summer with my granddad to find out what hard work's like.
It took that football coach in high school to make me tougher than the rest.
That first beer with my daddy to put that first hair on my chest.
It took a heart to heart with Jesus,
To bring me to my knees.
But it took a woman to make a man out of me.
It took a pair of soft blue eyes,
And a smile so sweet to make me reach up high and really dig down deep.
She made me so much more than who I used to be,I
t took a woman to make a man out of me.

      It took a woman- Craig Morgan
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It took a bully riding my back to make me mad enough to fight,

0 faves · Dec 10, 2009 8:49am




