Witty Profiles

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Are you housebroken?
Take this survey to see how good your manners REALLY are!
[x] all that apply.
At the end, post with: I'm ___% Housebroken.

1. [] I never put my elbows on the table during mealtime.
2. [] Drinking after someone is unsanitary.
3. [x] I ALWAYS flush the toilet.
4. [x] I bathe every day.
5. [X] I hold the door for people entering a building behind me.
6. [x] I pray, even for my enemies.
7. [] Every reply from me to an adult includes 'ma'am' or 'sir'.
8. [] I chew with my mouth closed.
9. [] I dispose of gum the proper way: into the trashcan.
10. [] I raise my hand to speak in class.

11. [] Guys should call the girls first.
12. [x] I've never been grounded.
13. [] I say 'Excuse Me' after I burp.
14. [x] I've never smoked.
15. [] I've never drank.
16. [x] I wash clothes in between each time I wear them.
17. [x] Deodorant is MANDATORY.
18. [] After any kind of competition, I always congratulate my opponents for their triumphs.
19. [x] My parents spanked me as a child.

20. [x] I got to church regularly.

21. [] My school says the pledge daily.
22. [] After vomiting, I will clean up my own puke.
23. [] My car doors are ALWAYS locked.
24. [] I carry pepper-spray in my bag.
25. [] I take responsibility for my actions.
26. [] I only date potential material for marriage.
27. [x] I brush my teeth 2x or more daily.
28. [] I wear black to funerals as a sign of respect.
29. [] I don't wear hats inside buildings.
30. [] Holey jeans are trashy.

31. [] Bra straps showing are not a good fashion exploit.
32. [x] My homework is turned in on time.
33. [] I do not skip school.
34. [] I feed my pets.
35. [] I help my family bring in the groceries after we've been shopping for them.
36. [] I'm all for helping a lil' old lady in need across the street.
37. [x] I have a curfew.
38. [] Thongs are gross.
39. [] I've never spit in someone else's drink/food.
40. [x] I know how to ride a bike.

41. [x] I don't write notes in Study Hall.

42. [] I'm on the computer no longer than one hour most days.
43. [] Feet do not belong on the furniture.
44. [x] Pads/Tampons should always be disposed of properly.
45. [] I have 'family time' atleast once a week.
46. [] I don't text in the middle of class.
47. [x] I'm feeling positively at how this survey will turn out.
48. [] I try not to interrupt when others are talking.
49. [] I make my bed daily.

multiply answer by two
I'm 34% Housebroken.
Next Quote >

Are you housebroken? Take this survey to see how good your manners

0 faves · Nov 27, 2009 11:29pm




