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all you hear about is how a guy
always breaks your heart,
did you ever think about how we
hurt them just as bad,
how do we
know they dont break down and cry
with ben and jerrys,maybe they hate
waking up and seeing you in the hall
each and every day,maybe their hearts
still skip a beat, and their smiles are fake.
maybe guys arent the only ones,just maybe.
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all you hear about is how a guy always breaks your heart, but

9 faves · 1 comments · Nov 22, 2009 4:31pm






lindsayyy583 · 1 decade ago
maybe they do. maybe they're good actors. good at 'pretending' they have a girlfriend that hates you the next day...good at 'pretending' they don't care and act the same the next day with their friends. yeahh maybe we brake their hearts too(not trying to start anything just saying that it's 9 times outta 10 the guys don't do this)
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