Witty Profiles

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Can you name 13 boys off the top of your head?
1. Joshuaa
3. Garrett
4. Colin
5. Rayy
6. Nate
7. Johnnyy
8. Ryann
9. Dann
10. Will
11. Beckett
12. Jacob
13. Trevorr

How did you and #12 meet?
Been friends since 3rd grade(:

you ever seen #4 cry?
no wayy!

Would #11 and #2 make a good couple?
noo, haha! my brother and my best friend?! noooo!

Are you really good friends with #13?

Do you think #5 is cute?
he's my bf! yess!

Something about #1...?
he's amazing! ive known him since pre school, and hes awesomee!

What's #7's favorite color?

What would you do if #6 confessed that they liked you?
i woulld laugh so hard, cuz hes going out with my best friendd everrrr!

Fact about #9?
He has a humungus crush on me! and i can tell him anything(:

Would you ever live with #8?
uhh. noo!

What's the best thing about #10?
he's myy bro!

Whos going out with number 13?
noo ooneee.

What do you think about #3?
i cann tell him anything i wanntt!

Who is your favorite guy on the list?
#5 !

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Can you name 13 boys off the top of your head? 1. Joshuaa 2.Jeremy

0 faves · 1 comments · Nov 21, 2009 9:45pm






kewliokiwi · 1 decade ago
ppsshht, i've see colin cry. and i like how ray isn't the first one ;]
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