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Isn't It Annoying When...

You are so excited to get your test back because you think you did so well on it
Then you get it back and you did horrible...

^Does this happen to you!? rate high if yes!
this always happens to me!
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Isn't It Annoying When... You are so excited to get your test

10 faves · 2 comments · Nov 10, 2009 5:03pm






juliaxxstarrx13 · 1 decade ago
first spanish test of 8th grade and im really good at spanish. im expecting a 100 cuz it was really easy or at least i thought it would be. i get it back. i get a 62. that was the lowest grade in my life
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its_just_little_ol_me · 1 decade ago
OMG YESSS just happened to me today :| atleast I passed!!!
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