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I promisemyself...
Last time. Remember? When you BROKE MY HEART?
Sorry. Really. I'm supposed to be calm.
Anyways, I promised myself that, no matter what, I will never - ever - cry over a boy again.
Feel special - you were the last.
But that holds a special place, you know? I've had close calls, and everytime I wanted to call you, text you, hell ANYTHING!
You always understood me, right? I trusted you with everything: my secrets, my family and friends, my heart...
So why'd you ruin it? Sure, we were still great friends after, but do you ever wonder?
What if we really ARE meant to be? Like you said so long ago? Don't you miss the laughs? Sneaking out to share a kiss when we thought my dad wasn't looking? Teasing your brother, until he talked to us? Anything?
I didn't think so. You probably are doing so much better. But you were my first love. You're sort of impossible for me to forget.
I know you're two years older then me; so much more expierienced. I know it annoyed you on how little I gave.
But I truly and honestly loved you. Sometimes, late at night when I can't sleep, I'll think back on all my failed attempts at love, and you come up as a what if.
What if, what if, what if.
What if your friend didn't ruin it last year? What if you didn't ask for too much? What if I weren't so sensitive? What if I knew you didn't cheat?
What if we could be happy together again?
What if you still loved me?

love you still,
Savannah </3

ventt. just a little letter i wanna send to that boy </3
Should i??
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I promised myself... Last time. Remember? When you BROKE MY HEART?

5 faves · Nov 9, 2009 9:16pm





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