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&& isn't it sad ;;
that i can't wait for those short seconds in the hallway.
those short seconds when he looks at me and smiles.
those short seconds when he gives me the hardest high five ever.
the ones that make my hand sting for twenty minutes.
but i love them.
&& isn't it sad ;;
that we text everyday of our lives about absolutely nothing.
and i check my phone every three seconds for a new text.
and when i see his name next to the new message i can't help but smile.
and i have to think of the most random topics just to keep the conversation going.
but it's worth it.
&& isn't it sad ;;
that i've never talked to his girlfriend, but i hate her.
just because she's beautiful..gorgeous.
just because she always looks fabulous..even in sweatpants.
just because she has him.
but i hate her.
&& isn't it sad ;;
that i'm totally and completely wasting my time.
because he's head over heels for her.
and we're 'just friends' even though i want him more than anything.
and i lose sleep over him.
but he's worth it.

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&& isn't it sad ;; that i can't wait for those short

11 faves · 3 comments · Nov 9, 2009 4:53pm






Hopers3 · 1 decade ago
omg(: i love it rachel(; its sooooo cute and true
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ohdangitskels · 1 decade ago
and who is this about miss rachel??
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cheergurl33195 · 1 decade ago
the whole first section for me is true but thankfully the guy doesnt have a gf so im clear on over half of it. haha and i dont think he has my number?
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