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there are so many quotes out there that say things like
"you know you're in love with you find yourself writing your first and middle name, then his last name in your notebooks. "
well, i do all those things. but  i don't know what love is. it sure feels like i'm in love,
but i don't know what it means. God has never told me what it meant. he's never
given me direction as to if i am in love or not. but that's ok. God works in mysterious ways.
i have all of those 'symptoms' that everyone says happens when you're in love.
but hey, look how young i am. for all i know, i could be expeirencing the most extreme 
condition of puppy love . i dunno. but all i know as of right now,
i've never expeirenced something like this ever.
and i don't think i ever will.

all mine. :)
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there are so many quotes out there that say things like "you

1 faves · Nov 7, 2009 11:31am






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