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In the past
Forget his name, forget his past
Forget his kiss and warm embrace
Forget his love that you once knew
Remeber now, there is someone new
Forget the love you once shared
Forget the fact he once cared
Forget the time you spent together
Remember now, he is gone forever
Forget how you cried all night long
Forget how close you once were
Remeber now, he's close to her
Forget the way he used to walk
Forget the way he used to talk
Forget the way he spoke your name
Remember now, he is not the same
Forget he used to hold your hand
Forget the sweetness, if you can
Forget the times that went so fast
Remember now, he is in the past!

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In the past Forget his name, forget his past Forget his kiss

6 faves · 2 comments · Nov 5, 2009 3:56pm





break up

caitybaby143 · 1 decade ago
thanks :]
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hiding_behind_a_smile · 1 decade ago
this is a really good 1!
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