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hello    eighth    grade    visitors!

welcome to highschool, where your confidence will disapear
in a matter of seconds! where you will get hurt by your best
friends,  (best friends? yes!),  one thing for sure is they  will
hurt you by the end of the year,  and some of their mistakes
you  will  forgive  and  others...not so much. welcome to the
drama,  tears,  screaming and  fighting.  welcome to making
the  team  or  getting cut off. remember  when  your  friends
promised  you  they   will   never   become   something   they
wouldn't?  well,   95%  they break that promise. and you  just
have  to  move  on  from  them. i  promise you, you will  have
different friends by the time you  walk out the school doors on
the  last day of school, then when you did when you walked in
the very first  day  of  school.  now,  do  you get  what  people
mean when they say "highschool  changes people." well if you
don't,  you  will  know  when  you start highschool.  i  promise.
well  gee,  middle schoolers, you  look terrified! did  you  think
highschool   is   fun     or  something?    haha!     think   again.

think again.

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hello eighth grade visitors! welcome to highschool, where your

54 faves · 1 comments · Nov 4, 2009 7:36pm






xoGAMERCHICKx3 · 1 decade ago
Dude... You cannot possibly forget the stress that comes along with all that , as well as the piles of work and studying and pressure. High school's hard. But I still say it beats middle school. :)
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