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 "Why do you care so much
of what people think of you sweetie pie? Because really, that's not going to matter a bit when you get out of grade school. Everybody is not going to want to remember you as the girl that always cared what everyone thought about them. They are going to want to remember you as a fun, loving, and outrageous person that you really are. Sweetie, do you think that it's really gonna matter what you looked like everyday to school when you're 21 or older? Cause it's not. This is what i want you to do tomorrow... go to school in whatever you want and don't think about making it be cool and with no makeup on. Go up to all your little friends with a huge smile on your face! Dance in the hallways and sing whenever you want.
 Live your life to the fullest,
 because you only get one life."

- My grandpa <3

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"Why do you care so much of what people think of you sweetie

41 faves · 1 comments · Oct 28, 2009 5:52pm






musicluver417 · 1 decade ago
ur grandpa really is inspiring. it inspired me a lot. thanks for making this quote c(:
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