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Yes, she's had her heart in a million and one pieces. Yes, she found someone who put the pieces back. Yes her heart still hurts, and there's still the scar there. Yes, she's fallen in LOVE before. Yes she's had feelings for guys she didn't love eve after she knew what love really was. Yes, She's the type of girl who isn't afraid to be held down. Not afraid to speak her mind or to get knocked down. She can be heart-broken and her friends couldn't tell if something was wrong. She sure can put on an act and she can make everyone believe the lie she's living just to make everyone else feel better than her. She's not the jelous type, but she does get jelous. She isn't ashamed to be herself or to stand up for what she believes in. Yes she's that loud girl that is ALWAYS dealing with some sort of drama. She gets by. Day by day, night by night, through the ups and the downs, the stumbles and the falls; she will always be the first one to get back up and just walk away smiling. Say what you may about her but it really won't bother her. You're just wasting your breath... unless you're trying to make her more well-known by constantly talking about "that girl over there". She loves who she loves. Hates who she hates. Mostly she just doesn't care. <3

* Mine. <3 * No Jocking

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Yes, she's had her heart in a million and one pieces. Yes, she

3 faves · Oct 23, 2009 10:08pm





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