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..don't you hate it when..
you give the cashier a $20 bill, and they say
"Outta 20?" It's like
"Um I believe that's what I just handed you."

2nd out of the series
should i continue?

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..don't you hate it when.. you give the cashier a $20 bill, and

107 faves · 4 comments · Oct 22, 2009 3:16pm






flipflopgirliexo · 1 decade ago
i think they say gotta twenty.
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kristee7xox · 1 decade ago
this one is kinda stupid, not being rude or anything. its just cuz i work at subway. and you are required by corp. to say what the right bill is. because its the fact for people who try to say they handed you a bigger bill, to get back more change. so that way if there are other people around they hear you say "out of twenty'
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star13shine · 1 decade ago
haha. i think they do that incase u handed them the wrong bill. XD but thats okay. you should keep going. there goood!
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midnight2293 · 1 decade ago
yesss keeeep going these areee good & imma favorite alll of themm(:
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