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 &, today
i was remembering my childhood. I used to play a game when I
was alone and bored. I would pretend that I was kidnapped and 
that I was in love with the kidnapper, [ i'd do this when singing 
won't say i'm in love from hercules ] but then our relationship didn't
work out. But now, i kind of wish that game was real life cause 
at least the kidnapper would tell me that he loved me and payed
attention to me; its not like that with you, you don't even talk to
me & i'm still wondering if you know I exist. and; it kinda bugs
me that the biggest relationship of my life was when I was five.

-all minee!

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&, today i was remembering my childhood. I used to play a

11 faves · Oct 8, 2009 5:04pm






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