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Yeah, you see that girl right there?
the one sitting  in the middle of a group of friends laughing, and she's the only one who isn't?
yeah her, the one who looks like with any movement the tears would all start coming out.
the girl who had her life planned out, who was on top of everything, but now she's a disaster. the girl biting her lip to stop the tears from coming when someone asks whats wrong. Yes her, well all of you wouldn't know, but her world collapsed when she found out her mom had lukiemia. She hides the tears better than she can believe, she hides the fear of losing her forever, and she tries her hardest to fake the smiles, that no one would ever believe.
Well, yeah, That's me. .

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Yeah, you see that girl right there? the one sitting in the middle

14 faves · 4 comments · Sep 26, 2009 3:35am






lilcastle15 · 1 decade ago
awwww girl im so sorry, deannarox is right. hang int here, i hope everything turns out okay. ill pray for you, your mom, and your family. (=

Always here for you,
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deannarox4eva · 1 decade ago
please hang in. my mom had lung cancer when i was 9. it was the scariest time in my life. do not loose hope. my mom had a 5% chance of living, and she did. so stay strong, and if you never need any help, or someone to talk to, i will be there. i will pray for you and your mom through your tough time. once someone gets cancer, their whole family gets it. its not something people go through alone.
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mint · 1 decade ago
oh gosh.. me too.. i'll pray for your mom T^T
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MissC_x · 1 decade ago
-hugs- i pray for your mom to be okay xx dont lose hope,
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