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this is the sad part of our whole friendship
we've known eachother for about 3 years
and we always talked on the phone and texted
every single day.  then we started  going out.we wouldnt go a day without talking.
but ever since april 4th 2009 it stopped. we didnt talk as much
because of HER. omg i cant stand her. and know there going out
and she has made my life hell. i've tryed to forget about him but
i just cat he's a part of my life and i cant let him go.
he says he's gunna dump her but he's prob not going to.
and now every time i talk to him on the phone , he always
says i gotta call you right back and i have to say are you sure ?
are you positive your gunna call me backk because he wont if i dont say
that.THEN i tell him maybe life doesnt want us to be friends because of HER
but he saiid no i'll make it work....he called me and we talked for hours. but just that one day and now he kind of ignores me......so he is a  liar right!! but i dont know maybe im just in love with him!
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this is the sad part of our whole friendship we've known eachother

1 faves · 1 comments · Sep 24, 2009 8:20pm






ItAllWorkzOUt101babe · 1 decade ago
awwwwwwww ! hunnyy if he reallyy likes you he'll forget that girl. other wise hes not really worth it and theres somone out there way better for you than a guy who doesnt talk to you much now.
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