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Yeah, that girl.
The one with the two closets and a dresser full to the brim.
Yeah, that girl.
Got the boys drooling.
Yeah, that girl.
Boyfriend after boyfriend.
Yeah, that girl.
Make-up, perfect hair
Yeah, that girl.
Flawless on the outside
hideous on the inside.
Yeah, that one.
Yeah, you're girlfriend.
Stare at the stars.
There are millions of her.
The fakes.
Yeah, that girl.
She ain't so great.

hey, i dunno.... just sorta... 'came to me' but i'll make it prettier later because i am starving... fave if you even think i should even bother to make it prettier... then you can fave the new one tooo :] i was gonna do more with the end, if you have any ideas, dont be shy....

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Yeah, that girl. The one with the two closets and a dresser full

4 faves · Sep 20, 2009 6:48pm






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