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 O R R Y

So what happens when sorry just doesn’t cut it anymore? When sorry can’t take away the pain that you caused, can’t heal the scars on her arms, can’t mend her broken heart? She won’t ever get back the times she sat on her bed crying her eyes out over you, wishing you would just walk up to her and kiss her, tell her that it was a misunderstanding, tell her you love her. But you couldn’t do that. You wouldn’t risk making yourself look ‘uncool’. But that girl loves you more than any other girl ever could. So in the end it’s your loss. But she wears her heart in her sleeve so it seems to her that it was all her fault. She cries about you every night while you’re off partying, or out with your friends. She cries about you when she sees you with that girl. That girl that was once her best friend. You didn’t only break a heart but you ruined a friendship. A bond so tight, that only true pain could come between it. And you took it all away from her. Now she’s left with nothing. You have her. You have your friends. 

Y O U  W N 

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S O R R Y So what happens when sorry just doesn’t cut it

18 faves · Sep 19, 2009 6:19am





break up

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