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So we were in studyhall;cracking jokes as usual.
We were told we were in a “soft lockdown”.
We joked that some killer was coming and knew
it was a drill. But then… things got weird... we saw some
cop cars outside of the school. We figured it was part
of the drill… & laughed it off But later they said we couldn’t leave the room
and couldn't go to our next class w/o permission... They told us
at the end of the day, the busses weren’t going to drive and
our parents would have to drive us home… We got kinda scared
and noticed that no one was allowed in the halls or could
go to their locker for any reason... Kids started getting called
to the office and left… then my old music teacher came to the
room and called my name. I got my books and she walked
me to the gym. I wasn’t allowed to stop by my locker
at all and my mom had to show the Vice Principal her license to
prove she was my mother. I asked my mom WHAT in the world
was going on.. she said there's an escape convict on the loose
with two loaded guns he stole. He escaped from court in the morning.
My stomach dropped at the explanation of it. I saw a ton of cars with
parents driving to pick up their kids. It really scared me. I thought about it
and realized that all my life when I heard about criminals in area's
of the country being let loose or holding a gun to someone... it never
seemed that bad to me... it really never “bothered” me. But
this time... was different. It really taught me a lesson and hit home.
When I was on my way home I saw 3 choppers in the sky and a SWAT
guy with a sniper rifle 3 feet long. You never know what it is to experience
something until you’re in that situation. This really awakened me...
&* now I realize people only take things
serious when it happens to them.


Life isn't a joke. Don't ever take lockdowns as a not serious thing.
100% true story. happened to me today. very scared.
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So we were in studyhall;cracking jokes as usual. We were told

52 faves · 8 comments · Sep 17, 2009 9:53pm






delps2451 · 1 decade ago
TAAY! i remember this! he was caught by my bank while i was there. gooo GHETTOs! <3
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lebooof_444 · 1 decade ago
Nothing that serious happened to me, well maybe, I'm not exactly sure.

There was a robbery at a pizza place when I was in 5th grade. I remember the teacher kept saying that she had no idea what as going on, which freaked us out like 10 times more. Then we heard a knock on the door, and and some girls were crying their eyes out. The thing was we didn't find out what happened until we got out of school.
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jenniix95 · 1 decade ago
yahh i felt the same way
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jacksmannequinlove · 1 decade ago
tahnk god they found that guy again. he robbed another bank and stole a car while he was out. the same bank he was on trial for robbing. idiot. i'm not saying i'm a criminal here, but everyone knows that you can't rob the same bank twice. =)
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katty31 · 1 decade ago
so i was reading this story last night, and thinking that you are totally right! life isn't a joke! and i felt really bad for you about the lockdown thing. and then today, i get to english, and my teacher goes, "so did you hear about the escaped convict?" it freaked the crap out of me. he then proceeded to tell us the story about escaping from the cop car, and how he had guns, and my teacher saw the choppers. i was like, wow, we live in a small world. we didn't have a lockdown, 'cause we're about 15 minutes away, and they caught him around lunch. so i hope you're feeling better and not scared! i definitely know what it feels like- a murder happened around the block from me a few years ago. thanks for sharing your story and telling people that life IS NOT a joke.
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airika76778 · 1 decade ago
heyyy!!! i'm not a stalker! i swear! hahhaha. but this happened to me today too! and its the same story! a guy escaped from court and got 2 guns and we were on lockdown! do you live in illinois?
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xoGAMERCHICKx3 · 1 decade ago
We've had two or three serious lockdowns in the past two years. I hate them. The most severe one was when a bank robber ran across school grounds, running right through a gym class outside playing tennis. Lockdowns are freaky.
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StarryNights · 1 decade ago
that happened to me three summers ago. we werent in school, no the whole TOWN wasnt supposed to leave their HOUSES. three men were killed that day 5 minutes from my house and the SWAT team invaded across the street from my house. it was the scariest thing thats ever happened to me.
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