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That is where I met my best guy friend at age 3, when we were little he was my "boyfriend" . Then we were just friends and the teachers called it a project to keep us from fighting (like all best friends do), that got awkward when we still had feelings for each other. Over time we grew apart. Well now we are 13 and  he is now in almost all of my classes. In one class the teacher asked us to describe our favorite project from kindergarten up. He raised his hand, and looked over at me, he then asked "What if our favorite project was in 

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Pre-school That is where I met my best guy friend at age 3, when

11 faves · 1 comments · Sep 7, 2009 4:25pm






xoSarahLoveexo · 1 decade ago
sydney is this about kenny????
omg when i read this i was like i know its about him! haha did this really happen? anyways love the quote!
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