Witty Profiles

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1.we have good aim
2.we have a good eye
3.we are used to scoring runs
4.we rarley strike out
5.we know how to handle the balls
6.we dont mind getting dirty
7.we are never standing still..we are always moving around
8.we make good catches
9.we are used to hitting the ball into the out field
10.we could play the game all night long
11. we know all the bases
12. we like to get rough
13. we can do it for 90 minutes in 9 postitions
14. we can hit any bat
15. we are used to being all over the ground
16. we like to be on top of our game
17. we can slide back and forth
18. we aren't afraid to get hot and sweaty
19. we always go all the way home
20. we always grip the bat
21. we know how to get the job done
22. we can get down low

damn straight biznatch
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1.we have good aim 2.we have a good eye 3.we are used to scoring

0 faves · Sep 20, 2005 4:39pm




