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she thought.  'the closest thing to magic is music. why else would priests sing in church?
why else would music be all around the world and known by everyone that's ever walked the Earth?'
>if i can't have magic]]

that was the answer. it was music. it could fix everything. it all made perfect sense'
"how did i not see it before?" she mumbled to herself.
"music makes everything ok. when i see that boy, the boy that plays with my heart.
when it all happens so fast, i can fall back on my music. it's all that i really need.
break it all down and a girl always turns to her music. i'm no different,
really, i'm not. 
i may have my faults, but everyone does." she didn't even mind she was standing,
unprotected in the pouring rain. times like this made her think.
she walked down the street, her thumbs in her pockets, living in a dream.
she found herself in the park, where she had always come when she was down.
when he had just not wanted her enough. when her parents had divorced.
the rain was running down her face along with a single tear, shimmering
in the moonlight, dancing to the ground. she put the ear buds in her ears, turning on
her music. she listened to the Beatles and raised her face to the rain, accepting it and
asking for it to accept her in return. she closed her eyes and pictured his face
and she whispered:
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'believeitornot' she thought. 'the closest thing to magic is

6 faves · Sep 2, 2009 2:44am






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