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find the person that loves you for who you are, the guy who snuggles you in his arms if your cold. the person who knows everything about you, and you can completely trust them. the only person who can make you feel better, and the only person who can make you feel absolutely horrible.find the guy who you could sit under the stars and talk to..for hours..without getting bored. the guy whos just as crazy as you, and the one who understands who you are, and loves every piece of you. he always thinks your right, when your wrong. when you fight, it lasts 5 minutes, and those are the worst 5 minutes of your life. the guy that would go through hell to see you, and cant go more than a day without you.its more than love, its a friendship. find the guy thats not only the love of your life, but also your best friend.
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find the person that loves you for who you are, the guy who snuggles

4 faves · Aug 31, 2009 10:41pm






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