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Fun ways to scare people!

1.) When your at the mall, start belting out,

The phines and ferd theme song.

2.) When your at a public pool,

start laughing so hard every one leaves.

3.) When your at a grocery store, and people are looking at something,

wisper to them, ya that stuff is tasty!

4.) When you see someone with an over bit,

scream and run all over the place, Over Bit!

5.) When your in a elevator,

start singing, Jingle Bells!

6.) When your at a resturant,

start sneezing uncontrobly.

7.) Tell your coach that you cant play tonight,

because you have a tooth ache and cant chew gum.

8.) Tell your bgf, that he brock a nail and see what he says.

9.) Tell your brother that when you hit puberty,

you cant eat icecream cuz you get more zits.

10.) Try all of these! I have and they totally work!!!

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Fun ways to scare people! 1.) When your at the mall, start belting

4 faves · Aug 28, 2009 1:10pm






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