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I miss you.
please come home.
it's 11:11 right now & i'm praying for you.
I hope you'll be okay.
You've been in the hospital for two months.
Please come home.
I love you.

My dad was at work one day...&my family knows he has back problems.
Until yesterday we found out it was severe. He was at work and his back was killing him.
So he collapsed & stopped breathing. His boss immidiatley called 911. We just got a call yesterday reffering to
my dad. They are still not sure what he has or when he can come home. but i hope for the best.

We miss you dad, come home.
I'm not posting this to get favored.
I just want him to know ...that there are people out there that care for him.
That pray for him.

i love you.

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Dad. I miss you. please come home. it's 11:11 right now &

8 faves · Aug 25, 2009 9:09am






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